#include <iostream> |
#ifndef __xcept |
#define __xcept |
// exception classes for various error types |
// bad initializers |
class BadInitializers { |
public: |
BadInitializers() {} |
}; |
// insufficient memory |
class NoMem { |
public: |
NoMem() {} |
}; |
// change new to throw NoMem instead of xalloc |
void my_new_handler() |
{ |
throw NoMem(); |
}; |
//new_handler Old_Handler_ = set_new_handler(my_new_handler); |
// improper array, find, insert, or delete index |
// or deletion from empty structure |
class OutOfBounds { |
public: |
OutOfBounds() {} |
}; |
// use when operands should have matching size |
class SizeMismatch { |
public: |
SizeMismatch() {} |
}; |
// use when zero was expected |
class MustBeZero { |
public: |
MustBeZero() {} |
}; |
// use when zero was expected |
class BadInput { |
public: |
BadInput() {} |
}; |
#endif |
using namespace std; |
class Array1D{ |
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Array1D&); |
public: |
Array1D(int size=0); |
Array1D(const Array1D& v); |
~Array1D(){delete [] element;} |
int& operator[](int i)const; |
int Size(){return size;} |
Array1D& operator=(const Array1D& v); |
Array1D operator+()const; |
Array1D operator+(const Array1D& v)const; |
Array1D operator-()const; |
Array1D operator-(const Array1D& v)const; |
Array1D operator*(const Array1D& v)const; |
Array1D& operator+=(const int& x); |
Array1D& Resize(int sz); |
void geser_kiri(); |
void geser_kanan(); |
private: |
int size; |
int* element; |
}; |
Array1D::Array1D(int sz){ |
if(sz<0)throw BadInitializers(); |
size=sz; |
element=new int[sz]; |
} |
Array1D::Array1D(const Array1D& v){ |
size=v.size; |
element=new int[size]; |
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) |
element[i]=element[i]; |
} |
int& Array1D::operator[](int i)const{ |
if(i<0||i>=size)throw OutOfBounds(); |
return element[i]; |
} |
Array1D& Array1D::operator=(const Array1D& v){ |
if(this !=&v){ |
size=v.size; |
delete[]element; |
element=new int[size]; |
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) |
element[i]=element[i]; |
} |
return* this; |
} |
Array1D Array1D::operator+(const Array1D& v)const{ |
if (size != v.size) throw SizeMismatch(); |
Array1D w(size); |
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) |
w.element[i]=element[i]+v.element[i]; |
return w; |
} |
Array1D Array1D::operator-(const Array1D& v)const{ |
if(size != v.size) throw SizeMismatch(); |
Array1D w(size); |
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) |
w.element[i]=element[i]-v.element[i]; |
return w; |
} |
Array1D Array1D::operator-()const{ |
Array1D w(size); |
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) |
w.element[i]=-element[i]; |
return w; |
} |
Array1D Array1D::operator*(const Array1D& v)const{ |
if(size != v.size) throw SizeMismatch(); |
Array1D w(size); |
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) |
w.element[i]=element[i]=v.element[i]; |
return w; |
} |
Array1D& Array1D::operator+=(const int& x){ |
for(int i=0; i<size;i++) |
element[i]+=x; |
return* this; |
} |
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Array1D& x){ |
for(int i=0; i<x.size; i++) |
out << x.element[i] << " "; |
return out; |
} |
Array1D& Array1D::Resize(int sz){ |
if(sz<0) throw BadInitializers(); |
delete[]element; |
size=sz; |
element=new int[size]; |
return* this; |
} |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
try{ |
Array1D X(10), Y, Z; |
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) |
X[i]=i; |
cout << "X[3] = " << X[3] << endl; |
cout << "\nX is \n" << X << endl; |
Y=X; |
cout << "\nY is \n" << Y << endl; |
X += 2; |
cout << "\nX increment by 2 is \n" << X << endl; |
Z=(Y+X)*Y; |
cout << "\n(Y+X)*Y is \n" << Z << endl; |
cout << "\n-(Y+X)*Y is \n" << -Z << endl; |
} |
catch(...){ |
cout << "An Exception has occured" << endl;} |
system("PAUSE"); |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |